Why you need a multi-axis 3D printer

Features of 3-axis printers
With a 3-axis printer, material is dispensed in a horizontal plane and stacked vertically. Therefore, the operation is effectively 2.5D.
- In areas where there is no molding material vertically below the surface, molding is difficult and support material and infill are required.
- Since the horizontal plane is stacked, contour lines will appear in the vertical direction where the horizontal plane changes significantly.
- Because horizontal surfaces are stacked vertically, delamination may occur between horizontal surfaces.
- 鉛直下方に造形物がない箇所では、造形が困難なため、サポート材・インフィルが必要になります。
- 水平面を積層するため、上下方向で、水平面が大きく変化する部分では等高線がでてしまいます。
- 水平面を鉛直方向に積層するため、水平面間で層間剥離することがあります。

Feature of multi-axis printers
In contrast, in a multi-axis printer, either the head or the molding bed tilts or rotates to eject material, which is then stacked three-dimensionally. Thus, the operation is truly 3D.
- Even if there is no object vertically below, it can be formed as if there were an object below.
- Even obliquely curved surfaces that produce contour lines can achieve beautiful surface properties because it is virtually the same as modeling a vertical wall.
- The strength is increased because it is possible to mold in a direction that takes into account the direction in which the load is applied and to mold in a direction that connects the stacked surfaces.
- 鉛直下方に造形物がない場合であっても、あたかも下方に造形物があるかのように造形することができます。
- 等高線が出るような斜めの曲面も、実質的に鉛直な壁を造形していることと変わらないため、綺麗な表面性状を実現できます。
- 加重の加わる方向を考慮して造形することや、積層面同士を接続するような方向で造形することが可能なため、強度が上昇します。
6-axis support for klipper
The klipper, which originally supported only up to 3 axes, has been expanded to 6-axis specifications. Therefore, the 6-axis version of klipper can control not only XYZ position but also ABC attitude.
klipper : https://github.com/gear2nd-droid/klipper
mainsail : https://github.com/gear2nd-droid/mainsail
MAGE Printer

The MAGE Printer is a 5-axis 3D printer that uses a machining center-like mechanism and coreXY-BC kinematics. The XY axis is driven by the coreXY method, the B axis rotates on the Y axis above the Z axis, and the C axis rotates on the Z axis above the B axis. In other words, the molding bed tilts and rotates. It is characterized by high precision.
MAGE Printerはマシニングセンタのような機構を採用した5軸の3Dプリンタです。kinematicsとしてはcoreXY-BC方式を採用しています。つまり、XY軸はcoreXY方式で駆動し、Z軸の上にY軸中心で回転するB軸が、B軸の上にZ軸中心で回転するC軸が載っています。つまり、造形ベッドが傾斜・回転します。高精度なことが特徴です。
A book on how to assemble and adjust the MAGE Printer is available through Kindle Direct Publishing. Please pick up a copy and experience the world of multi-axis 3D printers.
MAGE Printerの組立調整方法をまとめた書籍をKindle Direct Publishingで出版しています。是非、お手に取って多軸3Dプリンタの世界を体験ください。
Amazon.com : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DTGR7GW4
HEXA Printer

HEXA Printer is the world's first 3D printer that employs a parallel link mechanism with 6 vertical drive axes. The head is supported by six independently driven rods, which drive the head in six degrees of freedom, allowing the head to tilt and rotate. Since the nozzle is circular, it is controlled by 5-DOFs as control.
HEXA Printerは世界初の鉛直駆動6軸を用いたパラレルリンク機構を採用した3Dプリンタです。ヘッドが独立して駆動する6本のロッドに支持されており、6自由度で駆動することで、ヘッドが傾斜・回転します。ノズルが円形なため、制御としては5自由度で制御しています。